Tradeshow Marketing Website Authors

Kelly Swanson
Motivational speaker Kelly Swanson spends her life traveling from conference to conference making people laugh, encouraging them, and teaching them to “Stand Up and Stick Out” in a crowded market – because nobody notices normal. Kelly shows, from a motivational speaker’s perspective, how to connect with people to get and keep business. Kelly Swanson Motivational Speaker

Seth Kramer
Seth Kramer is a trade show professional who helps companies maximize their trade show experience. He has presented at more than 500 trade shows throughout North America and Europe.

Barry Siskind
Barry Siskind delivers over 100 keynotes, workshops, and seminars around the world each year. In addition to clients in North America, Barry has worked with exhibitors in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Bogotá, Columbia; Lisbon, Portugal; Bangkok, Thailand; Moscow, Russia; Zagreb, Croatia; and Quito, Ecuador. Barry Siskind, President of International Training and Management Company.

Jules Sowder
Jules Sowder is an executive marketing advisor with 20 years of experience helping results-driven organizations build brand strength, attract and retain customers, and increase revenue. As a quantitative marketer, she works extensively in both traditional and digital marketing arenas. She is the publisher of, an online information resource to help business owners and exhibitors maximize trade show success.

Jonathan Edelman
Jonathan Edelman provides helpful trade show marketing ideas. With years of experience in the trenches, he is an expert on booth displays, lead generation techniques, and networking with trade show vendors to build a referral-generating system that leads to a boost in sales and revenue.